Egyptian-Saudi Relations between Short-lived Honeymoon and Radical Strategic Shifts
Alaa Al-Din Arafat

This paper is not an attempt to trace Saudi-Egyptian relations, but rather is an attempt to answer the very central question: how ideological orientations do affect the relations between the two countries.This paper argues that four interlinked variables affected Saudi-Egyptian relations almost throughout the last seven years. First, the centralization of Iranian threat in Saudi-Egyptian relations after the downfall of Mubarak. Second is the rise of the MB as a key political actor in post-Mubarak Egypt. Third, the rise of Qatar influence in Egypt. Finally and almost the most important, the change in the Saudi strategic priorities and foreign policy doctrine after King Salman received power in 2015.This paper argues that Saudi-Egyptian relations need comprehensive reconsideration and reestablishment based on the new realities and threats of the region and the two countries mutual strategic interests. Structurally, this paper is divided into two parts, besides the theoretical framework. The first part, "A Short-lived Honeymoon: Egyptian-Saudi Relations under King Abdullah", explores the relations between the two countries from 2011 to January 2015. The second part, "Radical Strategic Shifts: Egyptian-Saudi Relations under King Salman", explores the relations between the two countries from 2015 to 2017.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jgpc.v7n1a2