“Christian Peacemaker Teams in Israel/Palestine: Beyond Accompaniment”
Marlaina A. Leppert-Wahl

This article examines and analyzes Christian Peacemaker Teams‘ (CPT) attempt to reduce violence and foster justice in the Israeli-occupied West Bank through third-party nonviolent intervention.Specifically, it examines CPT‘s accompaniment strategies and solidarity activities in support of Palestinians under occupation such as nonviolent resistance, advocacy, and support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.CPT‘s accompaniment practices have resulted in safer passage for Palestinian school children and protection for farmers, shepherds, and the Palestinian communities threatened by Israeli soldiers and settlers. Other nonviolent direct action in solidarity with Palestinians has supported civil resistance against the Occupation. CPT‘s partisanship in this regard has drawn criticism and hostility from Israelis and others.CPT‘s choice of strategies is driven by its foundation of faith and Christian calling to work in solidarity with the most vulnerable populations. There is certainly a niche for CPT‘s brand of nonviolent intervention in Palestine, but it will not appeal to all organizations interested in protecting marginalized communities with the perception of impartiality.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jgpc.v5n2a1