The Cold War, Bipolarity Structure and the Power Vacuum in the East and South East Asia after 1945
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Noor Mat Yazid

This paper discusses the origin of the Cold War, the creation of the new polarity after Second World War and the political development in the East and South East Asian region. Three approaches were useful in explaining the origin of the Cold War, the traditionalists, revisionists and post-revisionists. Post-revisionists approaches argued that both sides of powers, the US or SU could not be blamed to the conflict after the war ended in 1945. The action taken by the both powers were right in the new bipolarity structure, which was totally different with the multipolarity structure before the World War. The regional political development and power configuration in the East and South East Asian were the result of the new bipolarity structure that was emerged after 1945. Without such new polarity the power configuration in that region would be different.

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