The Paradigm Shift from Theocratic to Autocratic Leadership
E.O.S. Odhiambo, Dr. J. Kassilly, Prof. K. Onkware
Journal of Global Peace and Conflict, 1(1), pp. 14-27.

Peace (shalom) is a key pillar of the church but this has not been so within the Anglican Church. Conflicts are not the problem but should be managed to form part of the solution. Churches should be orderly places in which conflicts are encouraged and managed constructively. The Anglican Church is a product of the conflict based sub-divisions and has also experienced complex conflicts that have led to further sub-divisions. This study investigated the leadership styles and practices applied in Conflict Management within the Anglican Church of Kenya Diocese of Maseno North. The objective of the study was to evaluate the type of leadership styles employed in addressing the conflicts experienced in the Church. The target population was the 43 parishes in the Diocese while the study population was 520 leaders of the parishes and all congregation members. A sample of 390 respondents was chosen using cluster random sampling in the study which was carried out as a case study research. Multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted in this study because it involved different parishes which were treated as subgroups. Closed ended Questionnaires and In-depth Interview Guide was used to collect Data from the randomly chosen leaders and congregation members in a Face to Face interview. The findings were; Congregation members and church leaders were in agreement that, authoritative, democratic and empowerment were the leadership styles applied when addressing conflicts in the church and the most used style was the authoritative.

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Odhiambo, E.O.S., Kassilly, Dr. J., & Onkware, Prof. K. (2013). The Paradigm Shift from Theocratic to Autocratic Leadership. Journal of Global Peace and Conflict, 1(1), pp. 14-27.

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Elijah O S Odhiambo is a soldier from 1994 Upto now. I Have Msc. In Peace and Conflict Studies from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Post Graduate Certificate in Disarmament for Development from Open University of Catalonia-Barcelona, Spain, Bachelor of Divinity fromst Paul’s University and Diploma in Theology from Berea Theological College.Currently enroled for PhD. From 1994 – Now Kenya Defence Forces Soldier; 2002- Now an Anglican Priest; 2007- 2009. Part Time Lecturer at St. Philip’s Theological College-Maseno and 2010.-Now. Part Time Lecturer Masinde Muliro University.I have published several papers in peer reviewed journals on peace and conflict mostly on terrorism and piracy and Religion.I have also reviwed two books and have also authored abook. I received a medal of military long service and good conduct and another medal of 10 Years of Moi Era.I’m a member of Peace and Collaborative Development Network; A member of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Masinde Muliro University Chapter; Life Member of Association of Disaster Management and Conflict Resolution of Kenya (ADMCRK); Life Member of Kenya Red Cross and a Founder Member of Disaster and Conflict Management (CBO) in Kisumu.

Dr. J. Kassilly
Dept. Of Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS)
Masinde Muliro University of Science Technology

Prof. K. Onkware
Dept. Of Emergency Management and Humanitarian Assistance (EMHA)
Masinde Muliro University of Science Technology